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The Benefits of Regular Pet Grooming in The Woodlands, TX

At True Animal Vet, we understand the importance of maintaining our pets' overall well-being, and regular pet grooming plays a vital role in achieving that. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, grooming is essential for their physical and mental health. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of regular pet grooming and how it strengthens the bond between you and your furry companion.

Pet Emergency Preparedness: What to Do in Case of an Emergency

As a responsible pet owner in The Woodlands, TX, it's important to be prepared for any unforeseen emergencies that may arise. In this blog post, we will guide you on what to do in case of a pet emergency, ensuring the safety and well-being of your beloved furry friend.

Recognizing Signs of Illness in Cats: A Guide for Cat Owners in The Woodlands, TX

As cat owners in The Woodlands, TX, it's essential to understand that cats are experts at hiding signs of pain or illness. In the wild, showing weakness can make them vulnerable to predators, so they instinctively conceal their ailments. However, as responsible pet owners, it's crucial to recognize the signs of illness in cats to ensure their health and well-being. In this blog post, brought to you by True Animal Vet located at 4524 Research Forest Drive, we will guide you on identifying these signs and seeking timely veterinary care.

Dealing With Pet Anxiety: Tips for Helping Your Pet Cope

Just like humans, animals can experience anxiety. Anxiety can affect all breeds, but each pet may behave differently due to various circumstances.

Pet Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention

If your pet is looking a little wider to you than normal and has a hard time getting around, it may be obese. Obesity hurts an animal’s health and quality of life. Animal health experts believe pet obesity is a serious welfare problem for pets that can be disabling and cause suffering. It can affect the pet’s ability to perform normal activities, such as exercise or walking up stairs in your house. Learn more about pet obesity, its causes, consequences, and how to prevent it. 

What to Do If My Pet Has a Behavioral Problem

If your dog persistently growls, bites, or is defensive against people or other pets, your pet might have a behavioral problem. Aggression/defensiveness is just one behavioral problem. Other unwanted behaviors include counter-surging, jumping on people, and chewing up shoes. If your dog is exhibiting these behaviors, it is important to intervene quickly.

Common Allergies in Dogs

Dogs can also have allergies, just like people. If you’re a dog owner, it’s important to know your pet’s most common allergies and how to handle them. Allergies are the immune system’s reaction to foreign substances. Allergens, which can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled through the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract, are what elicits this reaction. When allergens stimulate the immune system, histamine and other substances that are released cause inflammation. Common symptoms of allergies in dogs include itching, swelling, and the reddening of the skin.

Does My Pet Need Flea/Tick Medication Year-round?

The American Veterinary Medical Association encourages pet parents to practice year-round flea and tick prevention. These preventatives can help keep these parasites off your pets no matter the season. Preventatives can come in the form of collars, topical medications, and oral medications. Here are more details on why your pet needs year-round tick and flea medication.

Most Common Causes of Pet Poisoning

A pet is a faithful friend that can give you unquestioning joy and love. Unfortunately, they can get poisoned or become sick like us. Poisonings can cause severe health complications that can lead to death if not quickly treated. As such, it pays to know the common causes of pet poisoning to protect your furry friend from certain dangers. Read on to learn more.

What Food Should I Feed My Dog?

As a veterinarian, I frequently receive inquiries from pet owners about the best food for their dogs. It can be difficult to choose the right brand of dog food given the numerous options available in the market. After years of experience and research, I will tell you what I have learned. 

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